Common Questions Regarding a Certified Arborist Report


Individuals who are seeking a certified arborist report will likely have a vague concept about the practice without knowing some of the specifics.

When trees need to be cut back, displaced or new vegetation has to be planted, there can be legal issues, health concerns and other risks that are associated with a disturbance of an environment.

Here we will delve into some of the most common questions that people have about a certified arborist report to provide clarity on the topic.


What Is The Central Purpose Of An Arborist Report?

There are a number of purposes that explain why a certified arborist report is sourced, but it focuses around the need to understand the condition of the surrounding trees and the potential impact of growth or decay for the local environment. Every action that is taken to cut down trees, plant new vegetation or unsettle the landscape in any shape or form will have consequences, and this is jurisdiction that the local council has to rule over.

There could be occupational health and safety risks when making alterations and it is through a comprehensive report that decisions can be made. An arborist will apply their knowledge and skills of an urban forest and apply that in a theoretical and planning framework in the form of an official report.



Are Arborists For Residential Or Commercial Purposes?

The answer in this instance is both – a report can be for residential and commercial purposes, but there is a twist. To understand this facet better, it is important to note the two central forms of arborists in the field today. One is for consultants to offer expertise and guidance whilst the other is an expert who will physically endeavour to make the pruning, cutting and removal of trees.

In the commercial environment with councils and businesses sourcing expertise, they will usually bring aboard an arboriculture firm that will have various team members suited to studying the forest and vegetation with another department following through with the physical work. In a residential setting on a smaller project, these two duties will usually be carried out by the same individual.


What Is The Cost Of A Report?

There is no universal pricing scheme offered by a certified arborist report as there will be unique stipulations that determine how the final bill will be issued. The report can take into account the amount of cutting and pruning necessary before calculating potential rigging, transporting of chemicals, aerial equipment, use of poisons, amount of hours on site and other factors. There is likely to be a differential in pricing structure depending on the profile of the client between residential customers and commercial clients as well.


What Qualifications Are Required To Be An Arborist?

It is strongly advised for residential and commercial clients alike that you source a certified arborist report from a party that has an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) on hand. Sadly there are landscape operators who will market themselves as an arborist simply by the fact that they prune trees as part of their job.

A majority of arborists will come equipped with an Arboriculture Certificate III, yet that does not prevent general landscapers from including this role on their business card. Each state in the country will have a unique pathway to earning a qualification in this field, but the AQF will be universal and any client should ensure that their specialist has obtained this profile of documentation.

When councils reach out to a professional service, they will require an individual that has a minimum Level 5 qualification for an AQF. They will be professionals who understand the guidelines, laws and principles of the practice, such as adhering to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) handed down by local council.